While I try not to think about it, I can’t help myself—hence the fact that I HATE surprises, I really don’t want to be “unarmed” when he or if he pops the question. If I am “unarmed” there will be waterworks and we really don’t want or need that. I hate being clueless! I was banking that my mom and dad had my back but after this weekend of trickery with my mom and boyfriend—I can’t believe her either! (Sigh) What Is A Girl To Do? How did any one else handle waiting for the engagement?

Ohh so glad I found your blog! Thanks for your sweet comment.
I am in the same boat girl! :) It's an exciting time but it also makes me very anxious in a bad way! haha I am hoping we both get our proposals soon! Looking forward to hearing about yours! :)
Awwww...I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Once we decided to get married, I was so impatient waiting for the official proposal. Paul can't keep a secret so he told me when he picked up the ring and I knew he was going to propose that night. In hindsight, I really wish it had been a surprise. This time is so exciting in your relationship, though! Have fun with it and good luck in 3 weeks! :)
Thanks so much ladies!!
At least you know you're getting engaged!!! Blagh! my life sucks!!! >.<
Ambar, you are funny! Your life doesn't suck because your fashion is awesome! :) I love your blog by the way!
Double thanks!!!!!
PS: I seriously hope my bf doesn't read this. Buahaha =)
Ahhh the waiting game. I remember that period of time VERY well. Since when does "Let's go look at rings" mean I'm planning to propose a YEAR later!?!? It finally happened when I wasn't really expecting it and in hindsight that was a wonderful surprise. Let's just hope your Mr. Everything doesn't do what mine did and surprise you by waking you up at 7 a.m. and stealing you away for your proposal (NO makeup NO shower NO cute outfit!!!). The pictures are NOT cute. Just remember life goes by too fast - don't wish this part away either. (But keep researching wedding stuff anyway so you can have a short engagement!!!)
Thanks Kelly! Pretty funny story! No makeup, No cute outfit and no shower--that's hilarious and memorable! When you have the man of your dreams asking you to take his hand in marriage, how can a girl be upset! Your guy is pretty clever! :)
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