How Did I Meet My Mr. Everything?
There is no need for tissue because this story is actually quite amusing! I met him Saturday, August 20, 2005 as I was walking to the car leaving the club in Buckhead (Atlanta, Georgia). As I was going to the car with my friends, I heard a guy say: Excuse me! I must admit I had a FEW drinks but as I was about to stop, one of my friends screamed: Let’s go! But while one friend was saying let’s go, another friend said: Talk to him, girl! So what could a girl do? I stopped and we talked briefly for about 10 min. In that 10 minute frame, I found out that he was from Macon, Georgia now residing in Atlanta and he found out that I was heading to Macon to work at a news station. :) The first night we met he mentioned something about me going to his mom house for a plate, if I ever needed some home cooking! Now, I am very careful about the people I deal with especially randoms I meet and this dude is asking me to go to his mom’s house?! Red alert sirens immediately went off in my head (CRAZY CRAZY) but I wrote it off and we exchanged numbers and I went about my merry way!
A few days passed and he called me! Wait, it’s not what you think; I wasn’t really pressed about him calling me! Only because I was enjoying life and I was meeting a lot of different guys during that summer so meeting another one didn’t really impress me! But any way, he called to tell me that he was going out of town for work. My reply was, “Okay?” Have fun! Clearly, I was wondering why is he calling telling me this! So from the end of August to the beginning of October we played the phone game! And I may add, he was very persistent, while I was nonchalant!
So after we played the phone game one night, I decided to talk to him and we stayed on the phone for four to five hours talking about EVERYTHING! He opened up to me about his past and where he is headed now! I was shocked and scared at the same time because I was thinking, “Why is he telling me all of this, he doesn’t even know me”?( But I am happy that he did) A few days after our intimate conversation we met up and watched a movie. And mentally and spiritually-- we haven’t been apart since……
(I know that God has a plan for me and Mr. Everything. However there was a time I was trying to go on my own plan but God pulled a diversion and me and Mr. Everything are walking in this journey called life…with one foot at a time with the Lord as our anchor)

Aww, what a great love story and you have it right girl, with God as your anchor anything is possible! So glad you are happy.
Awwww.. I'm a sucker for a good love story :) You guys are adorable !!!
Lovely read!
Thanks Ladies!! :)
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