Me: Babe if you are ever compelled to ask me to take your hand in marriage, please DON’T consult with my friends.
Mr. Everything: LOL Why not?
Me: Babe, please tell me that you didn’t consult with my friends.
Mr. Everything: Lol I am sorry
Me: What? What are you sorry for? Please tell me you didn’t!
Mr. Everything: Calm Down! I didn’t know you were at odds with your friends.
Me: I am calm sweetie! I am NOT at odds! I’m just at a point in my life where I am trying to figure out the people that I want and need to be apart of the next phase in my life. That’s all…
Mr. Everything: Silence a.k.a NO REPLY TEXT
Now I am heated and pretty darn upset. Because if he needed help, he could ask my mom, his mom, his cousins…..I mean there are so many options! I guess ultimately I want my "true" friends to be surprised with me, is that being selfish? Please I need honest feedback!

I think it's sweet if he asks your friends for advice, so I guess I'm no help.
Beth!!! Lol :) You are great help! And I did ask for honest feedback! :) I am still mad **smiling** Thanks
Sorry, but I think it's kind of sweet that he asked for their help. It shows that he wants everything to be *perfect* for you. Sorry you're mad. :(
Hey darlin, I can understand that you would want your friends to be excited with you, but I would say don't jump to conclusions just yet. Maybe he only asked a couple of select friends and hopefully it won't spread around. Now that he knows your opinion he probably won't continue opening up to you friends, especially if it means this much to you. On a positive note they would know what you would love for a proposal...but, it wouldn't be a surprise and hopefully they wouldn't blab. However, I think I would want my man to keep it to himself or his guy friends for the most part. Hope this helps! XO
Thanks Ladies!I love everyone's advice, especially OceanDreams (wink) she feels my pain! LOL Well I will keep you ladies updated! :)
No prob sweetie, hope it all works out!
It's sweet that he wanted help and asked your friends for their opinion but I would have felt the same way you do, because I would not want him to go to anyone asking for advice expect either my family or his & if he had asked their opinion about a ring, then I would not trust anyone but him (or me) to pick out the ring. My FI asked my dad for my hand in marriage but my parents kept it a secret & he did talk to his family letting them know he wanted to marry me but that's about it. It sucks, let yourself be upset for a moment and it's good you talked to him about it so he doesn't do it in the future but all in all he loves you & wants you to be happy so you can't stay upset too long :-)
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