I wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween! This Halloween I will be a:
I would like to leave all of you with some Spooktacular Halloween Wedding Inspiration:

Will this be the story of my life? Only time will tell!
Created by Miss K at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Halloween
Halloween is only a few days away and I already have my costume in tow. Nothing fancy but hey it's something. Before I tell you what I will be for Halloween, let me give you a few clues (this maybe fun).
First Clue: It's very common among halloween costumes.
Second Clue: She loves to sweep.
Third Clue: She is a part of the supernatural.
Fourth Clue: (Now if you don't get it off this clue, then I just don't know) Salem_____Trials
Good Luck and what or who do you plan up dressing up as for Halloween?
Created by Miss K at 9:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Halloween
For some reason while typing, that song was playing in my head so I decided to make that the title of this post! While I have been absent from the blog world, I have been doing great things for my community. The first thing I did was volunteer for the Tour De Pink! No, I was not a cyclist but I was the one handing out delicious snacks and refreshing beverages to the cyclists! From that great community service, I was off to donated tons of clothes to the kidney foundation. Someone is going to be a fly diva, watch out now! Now, my next task of good community service involved me helping the kids. I know, Chaotic and Kids don't go hand in hand but I let my guard down and I did it for the kids. I volunteered my services to help at a harvest festival and I was in charge of one of the games. For the most part everything was grand, until this little booger decided to go in my candy box and steal some extra pieces of candy. But I handled that situation very gracefully, by screaming and yelling at the little booger and he ran off! Job well done, in my book!
Besides doing good deeds, I have been swamped with school work. And it's that time again, so I have been really grinding it out. Other than that, no news on this end! But it's great to be back!
Created by Miss K at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life, Welcome Back
Sometimes I wonder how Mr. Everything puts up with me! As of lately, I have been boggled down with school, very indecisive about food choices, tired and drained aka a bit psycho.
Nevertheless, he is the calm air to my crazy world; the clear sky to my rainy days! He remains so calm in the midst of any storm, even when I am the "STORM" and I love him! I think about how:
Created by Miss K at 9:00 AM 1 comments
I am excited to announce…..
I will be attending the 40 weddings in 40 hours event in Atlanta, Georgia! Each couple will have one hour to get married and have a brief reception. There is a limit of 60 guest, the cost is 80.00 per couple (40.00 for the bride and 40.00 for the groom). Luckily after one of my co-worker did a write up about the event, we were casually thinking that it would be awesome if we donate some wedding items for the bride and groom. Lo and behold we got in contact with the fabulous diva who is over this event, (which all proceeds are going to the Atlanta Children’s Shelter) she was just as excited as we are about the donations. My co-worker then said nonchalantly, “a few of my co-workers were talking about how we would love to see how this great event will work” and she said, “great, just come on down and I will get you some passes!”
Wooooo Hoooo!! Yes if you can’t tell by now, I am on cloud 100! Wait a minute, there no such thing; but that’s what I feel like. For more information about 40 weddings in 40 hours check our there great site.
Created by Miss K at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Weddings
Not a giveaway here but over at Intimate Guide: What To Wear Under There. Jade Yoga is sponsoring a great giveaway and I am in love. There are a few colors to choose from and if you head over there now, one of the yoga mats could be yours. You have until October 7, 2009. Hurry!!
Created by Miss K at 11:52 AM 2 comments
Labels: Giveaway
My weekend is swamped as usual, however my College homecoming is this weekend but I don’t feel up to putting on a fake smile and hugging all of those people who were not my friends then and are not my friends now! But I will getting my hair done and I will be stepping out with some of my lovely divas aka my girls tonight and we will be going to a salon opening/mixer and later in the evening we are going to a wine bar. Saturday, I will be taking care of my car and my nails. My car needs a new battery so I am going to ahead and get it taken care asap. Then later than evening I will be attending this amazing exhibit dialogue in the dark with my boyfriend and we will have dinner afterwards. Sunday, I will work on some school projects, do a little reading and rest! I am tired just thinking of everything I am doing, what are some of your weekend plans? Whatever they may entail just be safe and enjoy!
Created by Miss K at 11:15 AM 4 comments
Labels: Atlanta Life, Weekend Plans
I believe that it is important that I get to know my blog friends and it is as equally important that they get to know me. So let me start by doing a shout out to FOUR of my blog friends.That's right only four because I will be here all day trying to finish this post. PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED IF YOUR NAME IS NOT ON MY SHOUT OUT LIST! I LOVE EVERY ONE !
Ambar: Her blog is full of fantastic fashion and she is hilarious, oh did I say I love her fashion sense. This is my fashion diva blog friend!!
Elise: This is friend in the blogosphere and in reality. Her blog is a variety blog, she has some great design inspiration, she addresses great social women issues, a bit of fashion and her love for music comes out from time to time!! Congrats on the new job!!!
Ocean Dreams: Her blog is a personal/variety blog and she doesn't mind throwing a bit of fashion our way! When I go to read her blog, it's a breath of fresh air!
Aritza, Goddess of Sarcasm and Unfinished Sentences: I live vacariously through this young lady and her blog! She is a snappy, lawyer diva who I have become fond of in the blogosphere!
Ladies thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment or two or three that ultimately brightens my day!
Created by Miss K at 4:20 PM 4 comments