This weekend I had a chance to take a break from school work and treat myself to a good movie: The Book of Eli. Initially, I was really apprehensive about seeing The Book of Eli but I am happy that I did. This movie was by far one the best I’ve seen content wise.
I am not going to reveal the movie for those who haven’t seen it but it is definitely a conversation piece. All the actors were great, especially Denzel. I immediately smelled an Oscar cooking while I was watching this film and the Hughes brothers are very talented directors. There were so many parallels dealing with sin, power and faith—this book would make a great paper or independent study topic.
I walked in the theater oblivious to the fact that some people use the word of God as a way to try and take over the world—negatively. I walked out of the theater realizing that my faith is my life. My faith represents me and the scripture (The Word of God) protects me from evil doers. The Book Of Eli is a masterpiece.
I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.”---Francis Ford Coppola
“I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.”---Francis Ford Coppola

i definitly will be going to see this movie now. thanks for your review!
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I hope your new year is going GREAT!
- Laura Sue
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