1. Here comes the bride! Yes, I WILL be getting married in 2010! (Speaking it into existence)
2. Become an English Professor.
3. Finish Graduate School (Thesis..BLAH)
4. Try to become a runner! ( I really want to run some small marathons, one day)
This is just a sneak preview and no my list is not very long and it’s very, very realistic. So what are a few of your New Years Resolutions?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Teaser: Out With The Old, In With The New....New
Created by Miss K at 12:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: Life, Random Thoughts
Friday, November 20, 2009
Man-gagement Rings: Love It Or Hate It!
What’s this I hear about an engagement ring for men: a MAN-gagement ring! Yes, it sounds a bit funny when I hear or say it but I kind of like the concept. It is interesting that woman always have to have a visual that connects them to something. When women get pregnant we have a huge belly. When we get engaged, we get a ring. Whereas, men get off a bit easy, if I must say! So yes, I say put a man-ring on it; he’s yours for life right? Love It!
Created by Miss K at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Engagement Rings
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wedding Reception Inspiration.......
What makes a beautiful wedding reception? For me, it's the table setting! From a simple, classic setting to an elegant, elaborate table setting; the setting does IT for me. Here are a few table settings that will bring a tear to your eye: YES....A TEAR! Enjoy!

Created by Miss K at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Labels: Wedding Inspiration
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I Heart Letterpress Even More Now.......
One of my bee’s posted this great resource or tool for those ladies who would love to have letterpress wedding stationary but their pockets are not that fat. I guess we would call it a lifesaver but this letterpress starter kit is only (wait a minute, are you sitting down) $69.00. That’s a great steal! So if you are a DIY Diva or a Budget Honey, you may want to check this out!
Disclaimer: I support all types of businesses, especially the wedding stationary industry. However, I am aware that letterpress does not fit everyone's budget. So when I see a good deal I have to put it up, especially in this economy!

Created by Miss K at 9:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Life Isn't About Waiting....

Created by Miss K at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Wedding Inspiration
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wedding Paparazzi
I love the wedding paparazzi and there are a few at every wedding--so I am sure you all can relate! Since I adore them, this post is dedicated to the wedding paparazzi! Enjoy
- Kahlil Gibran

Created by Miss K at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Westside Bride is the greatest and she rocks! Some may ask why is she the greatest? Well because I said so! LOL No seriously, she is the greatest because she took the time to give me this:
1. I'm a handbag addict! I own over 200 handbags; don't judge, they are ALL too hott to let go!
2. I can't go to bed without socks on! I like to be comfy!!! :)
3. I have to have a cup a coffee a day! It keeps me sane!
4. I found my husband now I just need to get the bling.
5. My current pet peeve is when people don't use there and their correctly in a sentence. (My Pet Peeves change daily)
6. I have to watch the news every night. As a former news producer I like to know what's going on in my community and most importantly I love to critique the news.
7. The office that I work in could easily pass for "The Office" the television show.
8. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I enjoy getting gifts! (Once again don't judge, I am being honest)
9. If I could, I would eat Thai food everyday of my life.
10. I love meeting new bloggers via cyberspace and making new blog friends! (SHOUT OUT TO WESTSIDE BRIDE )
So now I have the hard task of giving this award to 10 Fabulous Bloggers:
1. Run, Sleep, Eat and Rinse
2. A Future Mrs....Hopefully Someday Soon
3. My Carmel Wedding
4. More Lovin Than I Ever Had
5. Always A Bridesmaid, Never A Bridezilla
6. A Chocolate Lover's Confession
7. Almost Her
8. A Wedding Of Our Own
9. Martinis and Madness
10. Essentially Elise
Well there you have it, these are some fabulous blogs! Now I have past the Fabulous Sugar Doll Blog Award torch and once again thank you so much Westside Bride!

Created by Miss K at 11:06 PM 6 comments
Labels: Blog Award, Random
Tomorrow Is 40 Wedding In 40 Hours
Tomorrow is the big day and I will be attending 40 weddings in 40 hours! No, I am not getting married but the company that I work for donated some nice items, so the coordinator invited me and a few of my co-workers. So hopefully, I will be able to take some pictures of the reception set-up to share with you all! If you are not familiar with this great event, here’s a quick reminder.
Created by Miss K at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wedding